12 Simple Ways to Take Better Care of Yourself

Adulting is hard. We are busy with work and education and relationships and trying to find time to watch Netflix. The modern world is stressful as shit and we often end up forgetting that we have basic needs. Few of us have an established self-care routine that we stick to…but we really really should!

If you can feel yourself burning out, this is the article for you!

Here are 12 simple things you can do to start taking better care of yourself TODAY!

1. Enjoy a Hot Bath

This is the number one go-to relaxation activity for so many of us. There’s nothing like a hot bath at the end of a warm day, especially when you live in a cold country.

But many people complain that they get bored in the bath. Well, according to this article from Reader’s Digest, that’s sort of the point. When you’re in the bath you’re not really able to do much else, so it’s a good way to force yourself to just be alone with your thoughts and do nothing. Personally I find it’s a great way to escape from my phone and other technology for an hour or so.

When you’re having a bath try to make your bathroom feel like your very own little spa. Dim the lights and have some candles burning. Use some luxurious products while you’re in there. Play relaxing music or just enjoy some silence. Or if you really can’t stand things being so quiet, how about listening to a podcast or audiobook?

2. Get a Massage/Spa Treatment

It’s easy to dismiss getting a massage or other spa treatment as a big indulgence, but that could not be further than the truth. I know this on both a personal and professional level, as I used to work as a massage therapist.

Most of my clients arrived with terrible pains and with very high stress levels. Massage really, really helps. The majority of clients actually would fall asleep during their treatment and they would all leave feeling a whole lot better, both physically and mentally.

Is massage cheap? Usually, no. But that certainly doesn’t mean you should only treat yourself to one on special occasions. I recommend getting a massage once a month if you are able to afford it. Maybe even more! It is just so good for you.

I also know that some clients struggle to relax during a massage as they aren’t comfortable having so little clothing on, or they don’t like being touched. The good news is that there are some styles of massage that allow you to remain fully dressed and don’t feel so invasive.

If massage really isn’t your thing, don’t turn your back on all other spa treatments. Treat yourself to a nice facial or pedicure, which can be very relaxing and do more for you than just make you look your best!

3. Spend Time With Friends

We need our friends.

The Happiness Research Institute finds that the happiest people are those who feel that they have somebody they can rely on in times of need. They also note that in Denmark – one of the happiest countries on Earth – people generally spend much more time with their friends and family than those who live in other (less happy!) parts of the world.

You may be thinking “I’m an introvert though, I like my alone time!”.

Trust me, I get it. I spend LOADS of time by myself and I love my own company. Friends do make me happy though, and often it’s not until I spend some time with a friend that I think “God, I really needed this!”.

No matter how introverted or extroverted you may be, spending time with the people you love is an important part of taking care of yourself!

4. Spend Time with Animals

When I said spend time with friends, I didn’t say they had to be human!

There is a reason that animals are often taken into hospitals, schools, retirement homes and so on…being in their presence is extremely therapeutic! Dogs are even used as therapy animals for sufferers of a range of conditions including PTSD.

According to the University of Missouri’s Research Center of Human-Animal Interaction, having a pet can lower levels of the stress hormone cortisol and increase levels of several hormones associated with joy and relaxation.

Anybody with any sense loves animals and wants a pet (side note: if you don’t love animals get away from my blog).

But a pet is a huge responsibility so obviously we can’t all have one.

Ask a friend if you can babysit their pet for them every now and again, or join a community like Borrow My Doggy.

5. Spend Time in Nature

You may think of yourself as a city person, but a study from the University of Essex shows that people who participate in outdoor activities such as country walks, gardening, boating and sailing enjoy better moods, higher self-esteem, and better mental health.

If you’re addicted to city life, fear not. There is no need to drop everything and move to the middle of nowhere. Most cities have numerous public parks – you just need to make more of an effort to make use of them!

And how about that long weekend you have coming up? Rather than getting a city break booked, why not head to a gorgeous national park or the beach instead?

6. Listen to Music

Some of the activities on this list may not float everybody’s boat, but you’ll be heard pressed to find anybody who doesn’t like music!

Everyone loves music, and perhaps one of the reasons is that listening to it lowers levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

Participants in a study on the psychological functions of music listening gave literally hundreds of different answers when asked why they listen to music. Just some of the answers were:

  • Because it is therapy for my soul
  • Because it helps me find my own way
  • Because it makes me feel secure
  • Because it helps me learn about myself
  • Because it lets me be the way I am

Whether you enjoy playing some chill-out tracks or prefer to blast your favourite tunes and have a dance, music should play a key role in your self-care routine.

7. Laugh

According to letslaugh.com (yes, it’s a serious website), the benefits of laughter include:

  • Decreases stress
  • Can act as a mild antidepressant
  • Re-energises the mind and body
  • Helps improve sleep
  • Helps people bond with others (we’ve already established that this is important!)

Try to spend more time with people who make you laugh and see the bright side of life. If no friends are available, here are some of my personal recommendations:

8. Daydream

This is actually a tip I got from my own Dad!

He describes himself as a “serial daydreamer” and says he has created a rich world in his imagination that he returns to EVERY DAY. It gives him great enjoyment and at night it helps him sleep. He says “it’s like writing a book, you just don’t actually bother to write anything down!”.

The good news is that this isn’t just my Dad chatting nonsense.

Research shows that daydreaming enhances creativity, is good for your memory, helps improve your problem-solving abilities, and helps improve your empathy skills. 

Yes, the evidence shows that when your teacher told you to stop daydreaming, you should have told her to piss off.

9. Have an Orgasm

According to The Independent, some of the health benefits of having an orgasm include:

  • Eases depression and anxiety
  • Helps with insomnia
  • Can ease physical pains such as period pains and headaches
  • The oxytocin released not only makes you feel happier but helps you bond with your partner (assuming you’re orgasming with a partner, that is!)
  • Longer life!

Forget an apple a day. An orgasm a day will keep the doctor away!

Obviously there is nothing better in life than mind-blowing sex with a caring partner, but don’t forget that if you’re single you should still be getting your O-a-day. Sadly masturbation is still a bit of a taboo subject (especially in the case of women), but come the fuck on, we all do it. Get yourself a nifty little vibrator (or a big one, if that’s your thing) and add some quality time with that to your self-care schedule!

10. Meditate

This can be hard to master and easy to write off as hippy-dippy nonsense. However there is scientific evidence to prove that meditation is worth your time, and with so many people swearing by it…there has to be something to it.

I read in “The Miracle Morning” by Hal Elrod that highly successful figures including Oprah, Jerry Seinfeld, Russell Simmons, and Rick Goings have stated that meditation is a regular part of their routine. I’m guessing these people are pretty busy, so it must do something pretty great for them!

Elrod adds that meditation can lead to improvements in your metabolism, blood pressure, brain activity, stress levels and sleep quality.

Have a look at apps and for guided meditations on Youtube. There are plenty of options and you can reap the benefits of meditation by investing just a few minutes of your time in it daily.

11. Exercise

We all know that we should be exercising! But let’s just remind ourselves of a few things and get motivated!

According to NHS Choices some of the benefits of regular exercise include:

  • Up to 30% lower risk of depression
  • A 30% lower risk of early death
  • Up to 50% lower risk of type 2 diabetes

Furthermore, Bupa UK states that exercise makes people feel calmer and happier, improves self esteem, and improves sleep quality.

You don’t necessarily need to engage in crazy activities or scary gym classes in order to take care of yourself. There are lots of different ways to keep fit. Check out my article 6 Workouts I do to Keep FIT, ACTIVE, AND MENTALLY HEALTHY for some ideas!

12. Feed Your Body Well

It may be tempting to eat pizza and fries every day, but it will make you feel like shit. A treat every now and again won’t hurt, but the vast majority of the time you need to be feeding your body all those lovely fruits and greens!

This is a big one for me. I always feel all warm and fuzzy inside when I’ve just finished eating a yummy meal full of lots of veggies! It’s good to know you’re treating your body well.

We all know that healthy eating is important for our physical health, but we don’t always think about the role good food plays in looking after ourselves mentally.

According to the mental health charity Mind, improving your diet results in positive feelings, clearer thinking, calmer moods, and more energy.

Don’t take your body for granted, feed it good food and look after it!

Start Right Now…

Feeling tired, drained, or just not that happy? Pick 3 of these self-care rituals and do them today.

That’s the beauty of them – they’re easily done. You could even do 3 at the same time – get in the bath, play some nice music and daydream about the things you want most out of life!

What’s your favourite thing to do to take care of yourself? Let’s exchange tips and advice in the comments.

Lots of love xxx


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  1. Hi Suzanne! Self care is one of my passions because I spent most of my life believing it was more of an indulgence than a necessity. I really appreciate your tips, especially the one about getting a massage. I’ve been considering it, and I think I’m convinced! I’m excited to follow your journey and see what’s to come on your blog!

    1. Author

      Hi Maria!
      Thanks for your comment, so glad you found these tips useful! I cannot recommend getting a massage enough…it’s a strange thing because it feels like such an indulgence/luxury, but I promise it shouldn’t be seen this way as it’s incredibly good for your health and wellbeing 🙂

      It’s definitely money well spent! xxx

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