My Top 3 Tips for Long, Luscious Hair

The physical feature I am complimented on most often is definitely my hair. I am lucky enough to have a full head of long, thick, healthy locks. People ask me what my secret is A LOT. To be honest, there is no crazy secret. It’s all really quite simple. I am going to share the 3 things I do to keep my hair long and in good condition. These tips are easy – follow them and I promise your hair will be looking fab in no time.

1. Careful with Colour 

At the hairdresser ?? woman gets new hair colour; close-up on st

It’s not my business to tell you what to ask your stylist for when you take a trip to the salon. Fancy trying out life as a peroxide blonde? Go for it!

But if the length of your hair is a priority for you, that’s probably a really bad idea. Try to go down a gentle route when it comes to colouring, or better yet, don’t dye your hair at all!

Of course, a few highlights will not make you go bald. I have been colouring my hair for more than half my life now, and it’s survived and thrived. But I have achieved this by avoiding crazy colours and full-head highlights. I always ask for something that will last, as I am only willing to go to the salon every 8-10 weeks at the most. This keeps things more practical, and pushes me towards healthier, more natural choices when it comes to colour.

2. Avoid Heat (as much as possible!)

Cute vector cartoon of hairdresser using hairdryer on customer

Keep heat away from your hair, as much as you possibly can. Don’t just use those lame heat protection sprays, keep the heat away. I promise it really helps.

Okay, so I have two sub-tips here.

First, when you’re getting ready to go out, make drying your hair the last thing you do. I genuinely can’t believe there aren’t more people who do this. Get out the shower, get your hair up in a towel, and continue getting ready. Get dressed, get your breakfast, get your makeup on, etc, etc. THEN, dry your hair. By this point it will have mostly dried naturally. Not only is this great in terms of keeping your hair in better condition, but it’s an excellent timesaver as well. I never have a hairdryer on my hair for more than two or three minutes. Note: the towel might get heavy on your head so just take if off and brush your hair out, any time you want!

Second, be mindful of what you do after you’ve dried your hair. Ask yourself: “Where am I going? Does my hair need to be that perfect?”. If you’re going somewhere special or you’re having one of those days where you need a little confidence boost, then of course go right ahead and get the curling tongs out. But if you’re just popping down to the supermarket or walking the dog, leave it. Give your hair a break, and it will serve you better the next time you really want it looking glam.

3. Products: Quality over Quantity

Plastic Bottles

I use two products on my hair. Yes, two. I use the best shampoo I can afford to buy at the time, and the best conditioner I can afford to buy at the time. THAT. IS. IT. If I’m on a tight budget I get an average shampoo, and prioritise the conditioner. At the moment I am loving the products by Maria Nila. The quality is excellent and they are 100% vegan.

Now, I am not suggesting that you should only ever use shampoo and conditioner. I’m sure that if I used a nourishing masque or oil treatment on my hair every now and then it would be in even better condition.

All I’m saying is that being a hopeless product junkie will not get you the results you want. Be strict with yourself when you’re at the salon or a department store and somebody is trying to sell you every lotion, potion, serum and spray under the sun. You don’t want to end up with a bathroom cabinet full of shit you don’t use, when you could have a handful of lovely products that meet your needs perfectly.

So that’s it! My 3 simple tips to keep your hair long and lush. I guess the gist of it is that less is more! Keep it simple. You can save time and money, and still get better results.

What do you do to keep your hair looking the way you want it? Do you have any advice for anyone hoping to become the next Rapunzel?

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Lots of love xxx

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